If you need a new website developed, we can provide that for you.  After the site is launched, Leviathan Digital provides our clients with search engine optimization services. Our SEO clients enjoy an increase in website credibility, which usually translates into an increase in authority traffic and an increase in customers and sales.  Best of all, we only take on a certain amount of clients per year.  By just having a select amount of websites to work on, your site gets more attention.  It can take a long time for a website to rank so we think longterm.

Existing Website

Do you have an existing website?  Is it of low quality or structure?  Is it ranking?  If your current site needs some TLC, we can help you there too.  Attention may be in the form of technical SEO updates, sitemaps, schema, graphic design issues, content changes, and so on.  Bigger companies take on many clients, and they eventually get lost in the shuffle.  Let the Leviathan provide small businesses with significant results.